1.National Plastic Industries ltd is a 10 rupee face value plastic company.
2.Book value of National Plastic Industries is 27.07
3.Stock of National Plastic Industries is traded at 9.43
4. Net revenue per share of National Plastic Industries is 65.82
5.Promoters holding in National Plastic Industries ltd is 56.62 % which is good.
6.Year high of National Plastic Industries ltd is 13.99 and Year low 8.50 so this ratio is normal as my criteria.
7. National Plastic Industries ltd is a dividend paying stock last year dividend is 0.50 rupee per share.
8.No any bonus No any stock split or No any bulk deals recorded since last 2 years so this week national plastic is my pick.
9. Base price of National Plastic Industries ltd is 16.22 so stock of National Plastic Industries ltd traded 50 % below his base price.
9. Please remember in my theory i always hold a stock for more than one year because after one year long term capital gain is tax free.
10. I have no any stock of NPIL but plan to buy it after my partial profit booking in kamdhenu ispat.
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