Saturday, January 23, 2016

PTC India Ltd@ 60.35

1. PTC India Ltd is a 10 rupee face value BSE Group A , S&P 500, Large Cap electric utilities company.

2. Year high of PTC India Ltd is 101.90 year low was 50.20 and stock traded at 60.35, Year high/ low ratio is  above 2 , but after 10 days at 4 Feb 2016 year high change to 98.50 then this ratio is stable below 2,  If you are new reader of my blog and not familiar with my research terms then please see my research terms at this link
3. Promoters of PTC India Ltd hold 16.22% %FII hold 30.27 % and Insuranance companies (like LIC) hold 13.70% Mutual funds hold 11.80%. So overall promoters holding is below 20% but due to nil pledged stocks and good FII, LIC, and DII holding I consider this stock for my recommendation.
4.PTC India Ltd Pay dividends near 1.50 to 2.20 rupees per year
5. Base price of PTC India Ltd is 69.40 So Current market price 60.35 is absolute 15% below so I think this is a best price for long term
Click here to download last 3 year closing price with graph
6. No any bonus issue right issue and bulk deals is recorded  in last 2 year.
7. PTC India Ltd net sale per share of Fy 14-15 is 441.93.
8. Net salre per share is very sound at 441.93, Recently one of my respected blog reader comment that" It seems your formula is not work on large cap stocks." , So here you see PTC india is a large cap stock and full-fill all of my stock screening criteria's actually this formula choose only value buy stocks like in 2005 when every one recommended to sell Maruti Suzuki then I recommended maruti @400 with the help of this formula  and now stock is traded over 4100
in 2008 PTC india is traded near 200 so if you apply my formula in 2008 then it not full-fill and protect you to buy this stock at 200.
So please remember all of my calls are over 1 year view and you may wait 1 to 6 year for a decent return and enjoy dividends in your holding time read this chandu story here:- Chandu story.
9. Book value of PTC India Ltd is 89.14 So in book value term this stock is a value buy.
8. Overall I think This is the time to invest in PTC india and please note that if any of my recommendation year high/low ratio change over 2 then please do not forhet to use reverse trading system as I describe in my book. It happens in tata steel and TBZ and I got many e mails of my readers about TBZ and Tata steel please read reverse trading chapter of my book for more details.
9. 200 DMA of PTC India Ltd is 65.85 So at CMP 60.35 So this stock is trading below his 200 DMA and not sound for technical trade.
My Readers also happy to knew that Hindi translation of my book is published see details here:-
11. Disclaimer:- This is not an advisory service to buy or sell. The contents of “this research report” are only for educational purposes. No liability is accepted for any content in “this research report”. The author is neither a registered stockbroker nor a registered advisor and does not give investment advice. His comments are an expression of opinion only and should not be construed in any manner whatsoever as recommendations to buy or sell a stock, option, future, bond, commodity, index or any other financial instrument at any time.The author recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction, before making any investment decisions. Please  read full disclaimer at the bottom of my blog.
12.Discloser:- I Mahesh Chander Kaushik author of this research report is an existing research analyst and passed NISM certification for research analysts. I am also registered under SEBI(RESEARCH ANALYSTS) REGULATIONS, 2014 ( SEBI Registration Number INH 100000908 ) hereby disclose about my financial interest in the subject company and the nature of such financial interest:- 1 Me and my associates or relatives have not hold any share of PTC India Ltd so my personal interest is not included in this stock. 2. Me and my associates or relatives have not any actual/beneficial ownership of one percent or more securities of the subject company ( PTC India Ltd). 3. Me and my associates or relatives have not any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of the research report. 4. Me and my associates or relatives have not  received any type of compensation from the subject company(PTC India Ltd) in the past twelve months. 5. I am not served as an officer, director or employee of the subject company ( PTC India Ltd). 6. I have been not engaged in market making activity for the subject company (PTC India Ltd).


  1. Hi mahesh,

    I started reading your book. You have explaned how buying and selling stock for 15 % profit every three month with increase you wealth. My question is about the tax part. Kindly explain the impact of tax in short term and long term. If I sell a stock and buy new stock with the same money do I need to pay tax?

    1. Respected Selvam ji
      If you sell your stock within a year then you need to pay 15% I. Tax on Short term capital gain profit ( in india), If you hold more then 1 year and sell after 1 year then no need to pay income tax on this long term capital gain profit, please contact your tax adviser for more details, Regards

  2. Hello Mahesh Ji,

    In some of your videos you mentioned that you never sale in loss and as you invest 5000 in one stock so maximum loss can not more than 5000. But in some of cases you recommend to use reverse trading system...Not sure what to follow..please guide.

    Registration ID: 14581

    1. Dear brother,
      Mahesh sir never sells own bought shares in loss, but all of us may use his reverse trading system because we don't have enough patience.

    2. Respected Manish ji,
      Personally I not use reverse trading system because in my busy life and many diversified holdings I have no time to track daily year high/low of all of my holdings.
      So Pankaj kumar ji is right ( Which already answer on my behalf, Thanks pankaj ji) I never sell a stock in loss and do not worried because my investment amount in a stock is very small in my earlier carrier of stock market I used this system in punj lloyed as I describe this in chapter 10 of my book.and I check that this system is work over 90% of cases.
      I tell this system in my video or book because some trader type followers invest a huge amount on my recommendation and if unfortunatly stock year high/low ratio change over 2 in this situation there holding period may be long near 1-3 year and they have not enough patience as pankaj say.
      So these type of followers worried and email me like ' Sir what to do in TBZ and Tata steel? Sir can I sell TBZ? Sir can I average out Vijaya Bank?....
      So this reverse trading system is only for traders or for those investor who have time to track there holding year high/low daily
      Thanks once again to you for asking a good question and thanks to pankaj kumar for giving reply on my behalf.

    3. Thank you so much Maheshji and Pankaj.

  3. Replies
    1. You may no need to calculate book value because in my data sheet of excel which I given on my winningtheory blog (Free) you find ready-made data of 4000 companies book value or visit moneycontrol site where you also find book value of any stock.

  4. Hello,
    I recently bought your kindle edition so i see many users are posting with some registration id etc so do i need to get one registration id?

    1. Satish ji
      due to lot of book sale per day I am unable to manage records of registered user so I closed to register my book with me and stop issuing registration ID so all of my blogs and data,s are now free for every reader.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Mostly dividend automatic deposit in shareholder bank account, through ECS

  6. Sir
    My registration id:14587 I didn't receive your book pls reffer once

    1. Where you buy it from amazon, bookadda or flipkart? I do not sell my book directly or indirectly so please contact your book seller where you order this book, regards

  7. Sir, What do you advice abt buying mutual fund demat form or the other direct form? Why

    1. D mat form is best because it is paperless and provide more easy wayto buy and sell units

  8. Sir ,Fii Reduce their holding from 30% to 0 %

    Can we buy this in this


    1. Sheetal ji FII not reduce they still hold near 30%, BSE change his pattern and FII plus DII holding now consider as public holding see full public holding of PTC india ltd in Deec 2015 quarter here:-
      Shareholding PTC India

  9. Thanks sir for guide me about change in share holding pattern

  10. Sir..
    What is the procedure of buying and selling an IPO ?
    There is one going to launch..teamlease IPO?How can I buy this?

    1. I am not advice to buy in IPO because in 90% cases of earlier IPO'S I found after listing gain stocks fall below IPO price.

  11. Hi Mahesh,

    Are we in Bear market?. What is your view on the current scenario. This will be like 2008?. What strategy we need to follow during the bear market. My over all portfolio is almost down by 10%. What should i do i am a long term investor who can wait up to 3 year. do i need to use this opportunity to accumulate more shares on good companies.

    With regards,
    Selvam T

    1. Selvam ji,
      I think index are not a fare criteria to evolute matket because Over the last ten years, the Sensex has been reshuffled 18 times and as many as 26 stocks in the Sensex 30 have been replaced.
      So I do not worry to see index figure, So I continue my investment in any market condition and always apply my strategy. You still buy my previous recommendations who's year high/low ratio is not change over 2 regards

  12. Dear Maheshji,
    What are your views on EMMBI industries?

    1. please wait I publish your question reply on sharegenius blog within 2 days

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disclaimer:-Trading in stock market is very risky. This website is not perfect. This is not an advisory service to buy or sell. The contents of “” are only for educational purposes. No liability is accepted for any content in “”. Subject to pindwara(india) jurisdiction only. The author is neither a registered stockbroker nor a registered advisor and does not give investment advice.. While he believes his statements to be true, they always depend on the reliability of his own credible sources. The author recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction, author of this website is not a trend technical analyst.